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Website Updated: 07-Mar-2025
Report of the Upgradation & Pay Anomalies Redressal Committee
Chapter-III (i) Agriculture Department
Chapter-III (ii) Animal Husbandry Department
Chapter-III (iii) Archives Department
Chapter-III (iv) Ayurved Department
Chapter-III (v) Circuit House
Chapter-III (vi) Commercial Taxes Department
Chapter-III (vii) Co-operative Department
Chapter-III (viii) Department of Personnel
Chapter-III (ix) Devasthan Department
Chapter-III (x) Economics & Statistical Department
Chapter-III (xi) Education (General Branch)
Chapter-III (xii) Employment Department
Chapter-III (xiii) Engineering Department
Chapter-III (xiv) Public Health & Engineering
Chapter-III (xv) Evaluation Department
Chapter-III (xvi) Finance Department (Treasury & Accounts)
Chapter-III (xvii) Food and Civil Supplies Department
Chapter-III (xviii) Forest Department
Chapter-III (xix) Ground Water Department
Chapter-III (xx) Employees of Rajasthan High Court
Chapter-III (xxi) Industries Department
Chapter-III (xxii) Information and Public Relation Department
Chapter-III (xxiii) Information and Technology and Communication Department
Chapter-III (xxiv) Integrated Child Development and Women Empowerment Department
Chapter-III (xxv) Jail Department
Chapter-III (xxvi) Labour and Welfare Department
Chapter-III (xxvii) Law Department
Chapter-III (xxviii) Medical & Health Department
Chapter-III (xxix) Mines & Geology Department
Chapter-III (xxx) Rajasthan Police Forensic Science Department
Chapter-III (xxxi) Police Department
Chapter-III (xxxii) Printing & Stationery Department
Chapter-III (xxxiii) Prosecution Department
Chapter-III (xxxiv) Public Works Department
Chapter-III (xxxv) Revenue Department
Chapter-III (xxxvi) Settlement Department
Chapter-III (xxxvii) Sanskrit Education
Chapter-III (xxxviii) Science & Technology Department
Chapter-III (xxxix) Social Justice and Empowerment Department
Chapter-III (xl) State Insurance and Provident Fund Department
Chapter-III (xli) Technical Education
Chapter-III (xlii) Tourism Department
Chapter-III (xliii) Town Planning
Chapter-III (xliv) Transport Department
Chapter-III (xlv) Water Resources Department
Chapter-III (xlvi) Rajasthan Public Service Commission
Chapter-III (xlvii) Government Secretariat
Chapter-III (xlviii) Raj Bhawan
Chapter-III (xlix) Rajasthan Legislative Assembly Secretariat
Chapter-III (l) Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department
Chapter-III (li) Municipal Employees