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Website Updated: 13-Feb-2025
6th Pay Commission
S. No. Documents
1. Amendment in Rule-22 of RCS(RP) Rule, 2008
2. Orders related to Government decision on PSF Committee for Pay Anomalies
3. Report of the Upgradation and Pay Anomalies Redressal Committee
4. Extension in the turn of UPARC upto 31.03.2010
5. Frequently asked questions / queries and clarification thereon regarding Sixth Pay Commission
6. Press Note regarding HRA
7. Recovery of Rent of Residential Accomodation notification dated 08.10.2008
8. ACP on 9-18-27 years of service notification dated 06.10.2008
9. ACP on 9-18-27 years of service to Work-charged Employees order dated 06.10.2008
10. Fixation of pay and payment of arrears to Government Servents in the Rajasthan Civil Sevices (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
11. Corrigendum regarding Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 Illustration No. 7
12. Option form for Pensioners
13. Option form for Employees
14. Fixation Statement for Employees
15. Rajasthan Civil Services (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008
16. Revision of payscale of work charge employees with effect from 01.09.2006
17. Revision of Pension / Family Pension with effect from 01.09.2006
18. Sixth Pay Commission Press Release